文/ Polysh 特約寫手 Sophia Ch.
Henson had his puppets, Warhol had his soup cans, and now Donald Robertson has his walnuts! Many people have come to view the fashion world as elitist, and unapproachable, but what everyone seems to forget is… Fashion is nuts! Whether it’s Edie Campbell dressed in nothing but body paint and a headdress, or Iris Apfel sitting front row wearing her signature glasses and dressed in red fur, fashion is, and has always been wondrously mad. – Drue Robertson
Jim Henson 有他的小布偶,Andy Warhol 有他的金寶湯;Donald Robertson 可以拍心口站起來說:「我有我的堅果。」Donald Robertson 在網頁裡的自我介紹沒有很多,按下 ABOUT 就只有上面一段作品簡介,與其找個人簡介,還是專注看他點題的這段好了。
“Fashion is nuts!” 是個標題和核心,也是緊貼這場 posters/postcards 誕生的口號。一來因為裡頭的時尚主角全部用 nuts 來做,二來 nuts 這個字語意相關。除了解作堅果也可以說成 to be mad about something / insane / crazy 等的瘋狂,除了寫好時尚的迷亂,也同時就是拿時尚主角來開玩笑吧。
Donald Robertson 的 Fashion is nuts 海報每張輪廓分明,讓我想起了打燈打得白白的 Terry Richardson。海報每張賣 US$60,每款限量 100 張;而明信片則限定在巴黎 Colette 店發售。關於這裡的更多可到 http://fashionisnuts.com 。