圓方交織的記憶蠶繭,孩童的真實凝視:藝術家 Elena Tsigaridou

Botanical Studies, 2016. Mixed technique, 50 X 90 cm.
Botanical Studies, 2016. Mixed technique, 50 X 90 cm.


出生在特別的國度,位在亞洲與歐洲交界的島國——賽普勒斯共和國(Κύπρος)的首都尼古西亞(Λευκωσία),目前生活在拉納卡( Λάρνακα ),Elena Tsigaridou 畢業於藝術大學,同時有自己的創意藝術學校。特殊的成長背景,或許讓她對於釐清世界的不同以及疑惑有特別的追求與想法——她認為「美」是關於真相,她使用的媒材沒有限制,她喜愛的是能包容所有顏色的白色;或許她在摸索中所選擇的元素及其所展現的,發散著獨特與一體的融合,在繪畫裡屬尋找著於她的答案。

Curiosity, Circles Made up of Cubes Series, 2015. Ink, Graphite, Oil Paints, Acrylics, Thread, 50 X 70 cm2.

Curiosity, Circles Made up of Cubes Series, 2015. Ink, Graphite, Oil Paints, Acrylics, Thread, 50 X 70 cm2.

Mirror, Circles Made up of Cubes Series, 2015. Ink, Graphite, Oil Paints, Acrylics, Watercolours, 48 X 75 cm.

Mirror, Circles Made up of Cubes Series, 2015. Ink, Graphite, Oil Paints, Acrylics, Watercolours, 48 X 75 cm.

Thankful, Circles Made up of Cubes Series, 2015. Ink, Graphite, Oil Paints, Acrylics, 80 X 80 cm.

Thankful, Circles Made up of Cubes Series, 2015. Ink, Graphite, Oil Paints, Acrylics, 80 X 80 cm.
Curiosity, Circles Made up of Cubes Series, 2015. Ink, Graphite, Oil Paints, Acrylics, Thread, 50 X 70 cm2.
Curiosity, Circles Made up of Cubes Series, 2015. Ink, Graphite, Oil Paints, Acrylics, Thread, 50 X 70 cm2.
Mirror, Circles Made up of Cubes Series, 2015. Ink, Graphite, Oil Paints, Acrylics, Watercolours, 48 X 75 cm.
Mirror, Circles Made up of Cubes Series, 2015. Ink, Graphite, Oil Paints, Acrylics, Watercolours, 48 X 75 cm.
Thankful, Circles Made up of Cubes Series, 2015. Ink, Graphite, Oil Paints, Acrylics, 80 X 80 cm.
Thankful, Circles Made up of Cubes Series, 2015. Ink, Graphite, Oil Paints, Acrylics, 80 X 80 cm.

Elena Tsigaridou 筆下那人像之外的天花亂墜,又或是細細描摹,甚或是對性靈層面的描寫與闡述。黑與白的孩子或少女,往往是藝術家通往真相與真實的入口;圍繞在周圍的,或平面、或立體的抽象表述,有時是孩子生來帶有的真實與豐富,有時是未大鳴的、生命中不確定的殘影以及可能性。

Botanical Studies, 2016. Mixed technique, 50 X 90 cm.

Botanical Studies, 2016. Mixed technique, 50 X 90 cm.
Botanical Studies, 2016. Mixed technique, 50 X 90 cm.


少女的真相不在她寫實的形體,而在其周圍顏色的介懷——那不是理想化的少女藍圖,而是成長時期在真實世界的碰撞、疑惑與甜蜜,形成纖細陰翳與粉嫩。孩子亦不是如此簡單——或許孩子們出生時握有一切的謎底,在出生後開始忘卻,而我們都期望在死去前找回答案。Elena Tsigaridou 描繪的孩子不是理想化的形象,幾何的強調有時帶著凝視現實的銳利,有時帶著描繪未來的童稚逝去與飄茫。

Nature Boy 1 & 2, 2016. Mixed technique, 49.5 X 59 cm.

Nature Boy 1 & 2, 2016. Mixed technique, 49.5 X 59 cm.
Nature Boy 1 & 2, 2016. Mixed technique, 49.5 X 59 cm.

Nature Boy 1 & 2, 2016. Mixed technique, 49.5 X 59 cm.

Nature Boy 1 & 2, 2016. Mixed technique, 49.5 X 59 cm.

Flower of Life Curiosity, Circles Made up of Cubes Series, 2015. Ink, Graphite, Oil Paints, Acrylics, Thread, 80 X 60 cm.

Flower of Life Curiosity, Circles Made up of Cubes Series, 2015. Ink, Graphite, Oil Paints, Acrylics, Thread, 80 X 60 cm.

Two, 2016. Mixed technique, 47 X 65 cm.

Two, 2016. Mixed technique, 47 X 65 cm.
Nature Boy 1 & 2, 2016. Mixed technique, 49.5 X 59 cm.
Nature Boy 1 & 2, 2016. Mixed technique, 49.5 X 59 cm.
Flower of Life Curiosity, Circles Made up of Cubes Series, 2015. Ink, Graphite, Oil Paints, Acrylics, Thread, 80 X 60 cm.
Flower of Life Curiosity, Circles Made up of Cubes Series, 2015. Ink, Graphite, Oil Paints, Acrylics, Thread, 80 X 60 cm.
Two, 2016. Mixed technique, 47 X 65 cm.
Two, 2016. Mixed technique, 47 X 65 cm.

Elena Tsigaridou 使用的媒材是自由的,「對我而言它們有各自的職責。」,她如此解釋。所以水彩、炭筆、鉛筆、色鉛筆等等各式媒材,在她的作品中交融合唱,各自有各自的聲部與歌詞。或是蝴蝶、花朵與貝殼,釘在小女孩的髮絲或其上的空白,觀者彷彿也感受到小女孩的古靈精怪與天真爛漫;或是少女的凝視在幾何圖案之下,暗示著表相與真相——然而我們能認識真相的那一天,只有當我們不再凝視表相時。

Two, 2016. Mixed technique, 47 X 65 cm.

Will, Neutral Half Series, 2015. Mixed media on paper, 21 X 29.5 cm.

Will, Neutral Half Series, 2015. Mixed media on paper, 21 X 29.5 cm.

Flourish, Circles Made up of Cubes Series, 2015. Ink, Graphite, Oil Paints, Paper, Nails, 50 X 50 cm.

Flourish, Circles Made up of Cubes Series, 2015. Ink, Graphite, Oil Paints, Paper, Nails, 50 X 50 cm.
Will, Neutral Half Series, 2015. Mixed media on paper, 21 X 29.5 cm.
Will, Neutral Half Series, 2015. Mixed media on paper, 21 X 29.5 cm.
Flourish, Circles Made up of Cubes Series, 2015. Ink, Graphite, Oil Paints, Paper, Nails, 50 X 50 cm.
Flourish, Circles Made up of Cubes Series, 2015. Ink, Graphite, Oil Paints, Paper, Nails, 50 X 50 cm.
Gold, Highness Series, 2014. Mixed media on board, 40 X 40 cm.
Gold, Highness Series, 2014. Mixed media on board, 40 X 40 cm.

Gold, Highness Series, 2014. Mixed media on board, 40 X 40 cm.

少女的柔美與世人的標誌印象,被代表內在與生命氣質的幾何圖形壓在下方,那是關於孩童獨特的、思考的內在世界——一處「直面世界」。或許這是 Elena Tsigaridou 透過她的「出口」,顯示她身為藝術家自身的一部份,顯示記憶的片段,或一如其他的作品,展現對直視真實的渴望。

All Images via Elena Tsigaridou.


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