Article cover & 1st photos/ Yao.


All magazine content images courtesy of IRIS COVET BOOK.

Photography/ Yao.
Photography/ KEY

Iris Covet Book,2016 年初成立於紐約,由創意總監 Louis Liu 和總編輯 Marc Sifuentes 聯手打造,內容集結著時尚、藝術、設計與音樂。來自台灣的 Louis 是平面設計出生,曾在 Condé Nast、GB65 和 Laird+Partners 等一線公司做 art direction,細數 Jimmy Choo、DVF 到 MiuMiu 等精品形象廣告,都能看見他的作品。而總編輯 Marc 則是負責服裝造型,經手過許多 fahsion house 與名人的造型。集結著累積的專業與創意,從 Iris Covet Book 的封面、字體、編排到內容,不難看出兩人深厚的時尚背景功力;將 Iris 握在手中那一刻,便能感受到它的蓄勢待發與成熟度。

A discussion with Sue Canterbury of the Dallas Museum of Art on the iconic American photographers latest traveling retrospective in nearly two decades.
A discussion with Sue Canterbury of the Dallas Museum of Art on the iconic American photographers latest traveling retrospective in nearly two decades.

Iris——虹膜,強調著視覺與感官;Iris——鳶尾花,花意為君王及貴族,暗示整本雜誌精緻不俗的定位;Iris——希臘神話中眾神的信使,傳遞美感與信念為其使命;Covet 則表達著對美好事物、資訊的貪圖、渴望。

Interview/ Marc Sifuentes. Photography/ Bettina Rheims.
Interview/ Marc Sifuentes. Photography/ Bettina Rheims.

如同其具多重意義的命名,Iris Covet Book 每期以多重封面展現,由內文中選出,提供不同角度給翻閱雜誌的讀者,同時也顯示編輯團隊對每個專題有著同樣的重視。若論及內容核心,Iris 著重於每期與走在前鋒、各領域的傑出人士合作專訪,無論是時裝、舞蹈、畫家甚至是企業家,只要是致力在美學創意領域的人物,像是製帽大師 Stephen Jones、傳奇模特兒 Pat Cleveland 或是西班牙女演員 Rossy De Palma 等,Iris 傳遞他們的故事、經歷,以及對於人事物的觀點——「因為 Iris 相信,從不同人的故事裡,我們總能學習到太多東西。」Louis 解釋。

Out with a new memoir, legendary supermodel Pat Cleveland reveals larger-than-life stories about her career as one of the first African-American supermodels, her famous friends and her fascinating eras of glamour and high fashion. Photography/ Johnny Vicari, Styling/ Marc Sifuentes, Art Direction/ Louis Liu. Hair/  Taichi Saito. Makeup/ Kanako Takase @ Tim Howard Management Using Giorgio Armani Beauty. Manicure/ Krysty Williams. BTS Video/ Kao Cheng Kai. Photographer’s Assistants: Efisio Marras and Nick Perry. Stylist Assistant Benjamin Price. Hair Assistant Akira. Makeup Assistant Megumi Onishi. Booking and Production by XTheStudio. 
Out with a new memoir, legendary supermodel Pat Cleveland reveals larger-than-life stories about her career as one of the first African-American supermodels, her famous friends and her fascinating eras of glamour and high fashion. Photography/ Johnny Vicari, Styling/ Marc Sifuentes, Art Direction/ Louis Liu. Hair/  Taichi Saito. Makeup/ Kanako Takase @ Tim Howard Management Using Giorgio Armani Beauty. Manicure/ Krysty Williams. BTS Video/ Kao Cheng Kai. Photographer’s Assistants: Efisio Marras and Nick Perry. Stylist Assistant Benjamin Price. Hair Assistant Akira. Makeup Assistant Megumi Onishi. Booking and Production by XTheStudio. 
Interview/ Marc Sifuentes. Photography/ Johnny Vicari, Styling/ Marc Sifuentes, Art Direction/ Louis Liu.Hair and Makeup/ Daniel Avilan @ Wilhelmina. Manicure/ Narina Chan @ Wilhelmina. Photo Assistant Donna Viering. BTS Video / Kao Cheng Kai. Production/ XTheStudio. Special Thanks to MAO PR .
Out with a new memoir, legendary supermodel Pat Cleveland reveals larger-than-life stories about her career as one of the first African-American supermodels, her famous friends and her fascinating eras of glamour and high fashion. Photography/ Johnny Vicari, Styling/ Marc Sifuentes, Art Direction/ Louis Liu. Hair/ Taichi Saito. Makeup/ Kanako Takase @ Tim Howard Management Using Giorgio Armani Beauty. Manicure/ Krysty Williams. BTS Video/ Kao Cheng Kai. Photographer’s Assistants: Efisio Marras and Nick Perry. Stylist Assistant Benjamin Price. Hair Assistant Akira. Makeup Assistant Megumi Onishi. Booking and Production by XTheStudio.
Out with a new memoir, legendary supermodel Pat Cleveland reveals larger-than-life stories about her career as one of the first African-American supermodels, her famous friends and her fascinating eras of glamour and high fashion. Photography/ Johnny Vicari, Styling/ Marc Sifuentes, Art Direction/ Louis Liu. Hair/ Taichi Saito. Makeup/ Kanako Takase @ Tim Howard Management Using Giorgio Armani Beauty. Manicure/ Krysty Williams. BTS Video/ Kao Cheng Kai. Photographer’s Assistants: Efisio Marras and Nick Perry. Stylist Assistant Benjamin Price. Hair Assistant Akira. Makeup Assistant Megumi Onishi. Booking and Production by XTheStudio.
Interview/ Marc Sifuentes. Photography/ Johnny Vicari, Styling/ Marc Sifuentes, Art Direction/ Louis Liu.Hair and Makeup/ Daniel Avilan @ Wilhelmina. Manicure/ Narina Chan @ Wilhelmina. Photo Assistant Donna Viering. BTS Video / Kao Cheng Kai. Production/ XTheStudio. Special Thanks to MAO PR .

翻開 Iris Covet Book,能感受到它都會、簡潔風格濃厚卻豐富的內容。從版面配置、字體到選用的模特兒,都圍繞著兩位創辦人獨有而不妥協的美學,而每期又能從不同的內容中延展出創新的美感。即便身為小型獨立出版的時尚雜誌,對內文的質量與編輯依然堅持,他們希望能跳脫市場多數時尚雜誌的侷限——前衛、藝術感強烈的照片與畫面充斥卻缺乏深度內容;對於每頁登出的作品、團隊拍攝的主題等等,都以富饒趣味與觀點的文字介紹,讓讀者深入去理解——虹膜瞳孔吸取的不僅是視覺衝擊,同時也是創作知識的充分汲取。「在未來,我們更計劃著與更多有趣創新或發人省思的人、主題做結合。」Louis 期許著;也正因為 Iris 維持著極高的品質,受到越來越多業界的肯定與支持。

Willowy and sinuous, Chae, Bridget, Alyssa, Natalie and Mackenzie from the Houston Ballet’s corps de ballet embody the spirited-diversity & beauty of today’s youth culture. Standing poised to propel their art form for a new generation, these prima ballerinas are our new favorite muses. Photography/ Dustin Mansyur, Styling/ Marc Sifuentes, Art Direction/ Louis Liu, Hair & Makeup/ Tonya Riner.
Casting/ Rhys Kosakowski, Production/ XTheStudio.
Willowy and sinuous, Chae, Bridget, Alyssa, Natalie and Mackenzie from the Houston Ballet’s corps de ballet embody the spirited-diversity & beauty of today’s youth culture. Standing poised to propel their art form for a new generation, these prima ballerinas are our new favorite muses. Photography/ Dustin Mansyur, Styling/ Marc Sifuentes, Art Direction/ Louis Liu, Hair & Makeup/ Tonya Riner.
Casting/ Rhys Kosakowski, Production/ XTheStudio.
The combination of athletic-wear and ready-to-wear creates a tempting juxtaposition between the fantasy of nightlife and the reality of the day to come. Photography/ Danny Lim, Styling/ Marc Sifuentes, Art Direction/ Louis Liu, Model/ Paolo Anchisi @ Ford Models. Hair/ Yuhi Kim @ Bridge Artists, Grooming/ Kento Utsubo, Film Strips/ Alvin Kean Wong, Stylist assistants Benjamin Price, Production by XTheStudio.
Parisian glamour: an elegant, sophisticated, and effortless lifestyle of champagne and bedroom eyes. This season is all about nonchalant beauty and style. Photography/ Hao Zeng, Styling/ Anna Katsanis, Art Direction / Louis Liu, Editor/ Marc Sifuentes, Models/ Georgia Fowler @ IMG Models. Hair/ Takuya Sugawara @ Walter Schupfer Management using Aveda, Makeup/ Miriam Robstad @ Bryan Bantry, Manicure/ Honey Nailz, Video Director of Photography/ Kao Cheng Kai, Production/ XTheStudio, Stylist Assistant Jaclyn Mastropasqua, Production Assistant Benjamin Price.
Willowy and sinuous, Chae, Bridget, Alyssa, Natalie and Mackenzie from the Houston Ballet’s corps de ballet embody the spirited-diversity & beauty of today’s youth culture. Standing poised to propel their art form for a new generation, these prima ballerinas are our new favorite muses. Photography/ Dustin Mansyur, Styling/ Marc Sifuentes, Art Direction/ Louis Liu, Hair & Makeup/ Tonya Riner. Casting/ Rhys Kosakowski, Production/ XTheStudio.
Willowy and sinuous, Chae, Bridget, Alyssa, Natalie and Mackenzie from the Houston Ballet’s corps de ballet embody the spirited-diversity & beauty of today’s youth culture. Standing poised to propel their art form for a new generation, these prima ballerinas are our new favorite muses. Photography/ Dustin Mansyur, Styling/ Marc Sifuentes, Art Direction/ Louis Liu, Hair & Makeup/ Tonya Riner. Casting/ Rhys Kosakowski, Production/ XTheStudio.
The combination of athletic-wear and ready-to-wear creates a tempting juxtaposition between the fantasy of nightlife and the reality of the day to come. Photography/ Danny Lim, Styling/ Marc Sifuentes, Art Direction/ Louis Liu, Model/ Paolo Anchisi @ Ford Models. Hair/ Yuhi Kim @ Bridge Artists, Grooming/ Kento Utsubo, Film Strips/ Alvin Kean Wong, Stylist assistants Benjamin Price, Production by XTheStudio.
Parisian glamour: an elegant, sophisticated, and effortless lifestyle of champagne and bedroom eyes. This season is all about nonchalant beauty and style. Photography/ Hao Zeng, Styling/ Anna Katsanis, Art Direction / Louis Liu, Editor/ Marc Sifuentes, Models/ Georgia Fowler @ IMG Models. Hair/ Takuya Sugawara @ Walter Schupfer Management using Aveda, Makeup/ Miriam Robstad @ Bryan Bantry, Manicure/ Honey Nailz, Video Director of Photography/ Kao Cheng Kai, Production/ XTheStudio, Stylist Assistant Jaclyn Mastropasqua, Production Assistant Benjamin Price.

近年來許多關於時尚、雜誌的紀錄片出現,揭示著產業內部部分的樣貌於眾人眼前,不論是覺得光怪陸離、光鮮亮麗、或是為之嚮往,王家衛在 The First Monday of May 中的那句:「Seeing too much is seeing nothing.」卻著實是個點醒。打開電腦、手機螢幕,雖然成千上萬的圖片與文字便唾手可得,但卻也提醒著人們,對那些依舊致力於編製照片故事集成與文字貫徹的實體雜誌們更加珍惜;Iris Covet Book 的出版,也算是一振奮人心的強心劑。

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