Design, Interior Design/ 空間敘事, Living 2024-07-14 2024-08-15 假以老倉庫翻新,收藏一屋工業風日常:石部之家 by Summer Photography/ Yuta Yamada. Images Courtesy of ALTS ...
Architecture / 建築告白, Design, Living, Travel / 旅人日記 2024-07-07 2024-08-08 將鄉村風情幻化成光,撒上底片:橄欖林中的度假旅宿,Borgo Gallana by Rachel S. Photography/ Salva López. Images Courtesy of Studi...
Architecture / 建築告白, Design, Living 2024-06-30 2024-08-11 沐浴日光與月色之下,宛若步入深邃森林的幽靜之巢:Bo Cau House by Stella Hsu Photography/ Hiroyuki Oki. Images Courtesy of Pham...
Architecture / 建築告白, Design, Interior Design/ 空間敘事, Living, Travel / 旅人日記 2024-05-30 2024-07-18 17 世紀古堡的浮世記憶與光影,宛若步入卡拉瓦喬的畫作場景:Casa Soleto 旅店 by Meg L. Photography/ Salva López. Images Courtesy of Studi...
Design, Interior Design/ 空間敘事, Living 2024-05-22 2024-07-12 城市裡的迷你避風港,戰時倉庫改建的清新公寓:Studio H by Summer Photography/ Dymitr Kalasznikow, Howorko K., Magda...
Design, Interior Design/ 空間敘事, Living 2024-05-16 2024-06-25 渲染一室溫柔與禪意:洗去城市喧囂的幽靜居所,MP22 by 鄭媛心 Photography/ Tan Hai Han. Images Courtesy of F.A.L...
Architecture / 建築告白, Design, Interior Design/ 空間敘事, Living 2024-04-30 2024-06-09 以藤蔓牽起念舊情意,織起新一代的花園天色:過道之家 by Moumu 矛木 Photography/ Zhu Yumeng. Images Courtesy of CHAOFF...
Architecture / 建築告白, Design, Living, Travel / 旅人日記 2024-04-18 2024-06-19 在古城舊時的建築殘影,注入盎然蔥鬱與生機:Casona Los Cedros by Cinny Photography/ Manolo R solis, Inés Miroslava &...
Architecture / 建築告白, Design, Living, Travel / 旅人日記 2024-04-12 2024-06-09 方圓幾何線條間,築起一片夢境裡的粉色綠洲:Maison Brummell Majorelle by Summer Photography/ Christopher Stark, Ely Sanchez, Antho...
Architecture / 建築告白, Interior Design/ 空間敘事, Living, Travel / 旅人日記 2024-04-06 2024-05-20 打開古董珍奇櫃,穿越百年老宅潺流的時光:曼谷 Baan Tuk Din Hotel by 鄭媛心 Images Courtesy of Baan Tuk Din. 每當收藏一趟難忘的旅程,一幅具代表...