夢境的輪迴轉世:剪紙藝術家 Mayuko Fujino 的紙上樂園

the Day of the Sea (sail), 2009. Japanese handmade paper with collage, 760 x 560 mm.
the Day of the Sea (sail), 2009. Japanese handmade paper with collage, 760 x 560 mm.


The Day of the Sea #3, 2009. Japanese handmade paper, collage, 760 x 560 mm.

The Day of the Sea #3, 2009. Japanese handmade paper, collage, 760 x 560 mm.
The Day of the Sea #3, 2009. Japanese handmade paper, collage, 760 x 560 mm.
The Day of the Sea #3, 2009. Japanese handmade paper, collage, 760 x 560 mm.

且別輕忽剪紙這門藝術,僅是一種了得的技法呈現,剪紙藝術家除會因喜好而為,也能連結一地民俗文化和特定使用目的,如室內裝飾、節慶和祈福等;更甚者,如於世俗昇華般,徹底體現藝術關懷和創造活力,並融合了哲學及美學理念,來自日本的剪紙藝術家藤野真由子(Mayuko Fujino)即為顯例,技巧嫻熟、極獲讚佩之餘,剪出無以取代的紙上樂園,才是經典。

Birthday Party, 2012. 22″x30″, papercut and magazine paper collage.

Birthday Party, 2012. 22"x30", papercut and magazine paper collage.
Birthday Party, 2012. 22"x30", papercut and magazine paper collage.

Untitled, from zine《I Give Thee All, I Can No More》, 2014. W9” x H12”, paper cutout and magazine pages collage.

Untitled, from zine《I Give Thee All, I Can No More》, 2014. W9” x H12”, paper cutout and magazine pages collage.
Untitled, from zine《I Give Thee All, I Can No More》, 2014. W9” x H12”, paper cutout and magazine pages collage.
Untitled, from zine《I Give Thee All, I Can No More》, 2014. W9” x H12”, paper cutout and magazine pages collage.

Arikui Abduction #21, 2009. Washi (Japanese handmade paper) with collage, 760 x 560 mm.

Arikui Abduction #21, 2009. Washi (Japanese handmade paper) with collage, 760 x 560 mm.
Arikui Abduction #21, 2009. Washi (Japanese handmade paper) with collage, 760 x 560 mm.
Arikui Abduction #21, 2009. Washi (Japanese handmade paper) with collage, 760 x 560 mm.

Hort.ex #07, from zine《I Give Thee All, I Can No More》, 2013. 16”x16″, paper cutout and magazine pages collage on wood panel.

Hort.ex #07, from zine《I Give Thee All, I Can No More》, 2013. 16”x16", paper cutout and magazine pages collage on wood panel.
Hort.ex #07, from zine《I Give Thee All, I Can No More》, 2013. 16”x16", paper cutout and magazine pages collage on wood panel.
Hort.ex #07, from zine《I Give Thee All, I Can No More》, 2013. 16”x16", paper cutout and magazine pages collage on wood panel.

真誠地為藝術奉獻,一直都是傑出藝術創作的不二法門,藤野真由子長久以來如奉圭臬。彷彿天才出世,藤野真由子是自學成才的日本剪紙藝術家,生於日本、現多居紐約皇后區的她,最初在小學從事海報繪製,後受日本傳統型(手)染(stencil dying)影響下,便沿用相關創作元素,投身剪紙藝術創作。尤其特別的,她的藝術創作靈感源自於英國攝影師大衛.霍克尼(David Hockney)多本創作的藝術書,和以披頭四樂團(The Beatles)同名暢銷歌曲為主題的奇幻動畫:黃色潛水艇《Yellow Submarine》等等。

WATER, 2015. 40″ x 54″, Kochi-mashi paper 高知麻紙 (50% Kozo and 50% Hemp) and old magazine pages.

WATER, 2015. 40" x 54", Kochi-mashi paper 高知麻紙 (50% Kozo and 50% Hemp) and old magazine pages.
WATER, 2015. 40" x 54", Kochi-mashi paper 高知麻紙 (50% Kozo and 50% Hemp) and old magazine pages.

AIR, 2015. 40″ x 54″ Kochi-mashi paper 高知麻紙 (50% Kozo and 50% Hemp) and old magazine pages.

AIR, 2015. 40" x 54" Kochi-mashi paper 高知麻紙 (50% Kozo and 50% Hemp) and old magazine pages.
AIR, 2015. 40" x 54" Kochi-mashi paper 高知麻紙 (50% Kozo and 50% Hemp) and old magazine pages.
AIR, 2015. 40" x 54" Kochi-mashi paper 高知麻紙 (50% Kozo and 50% Hemp) and old magazine pages.

Neurogarden, 2016. H 13 inches x W 16 inches, paper cutout & magazine pages collage.

Neurogarden, 2016. H 13 inches x W 16 inches, paper cutout & magazine pages collage.
Neurogarden, 2016. H 13 inches x W 16 inches, paper cutout & magazine pages collage.
Neurogarden, 2016. H 13 inches x W 16 inches, paper cutout & magazine pages collage.


the Day of the Sea (vortex), 2009. Japanese handmade paper with collage,760 x 560 mm.

the Day of the Sea (vortex), 2009. Japanese handmade paper with collage,760 x 560 mm.
the Day of the Sea (vortex), 2009. Japanese handmade paper with collage,760 x 560 mm.

Kings & Warriors (Meteor), 2012. 18″x24″, papercut & magazine paper collage.

Kings & Warriors (Meteor), 2012. 18"x24", papercut & magazine paper collage.
Kings & Warriors (Meteor), 2012. 18"x24", papercut & magazine paper collage.
Kings & Warriors (Meteor), 2012. 18"x24", papercut & magazine paper collage.

Kings & Warriors (Anteater), 2012. 18″ x 24″, papercut & magazine paper collage.

Kings & Warriors (Anteater), 2012. 18" x 24", papercut & magazine paper collage.
Kings & Warriors (Anteater), 2012. 18" x 24", papercut & magazine paper collage.
Kings & Warriors (Anteater), 2012. 18" x 24", papercut & magazine paper collage.

Kings & Warriors (Water), 2012. 18″ x 24″, papercut & magazine paper collage.

Kings & Warriors (Water), 2012. 18" x 24", papercut & magazine paper collage.
Kings & Warriors (Water), 2012. 18" x 24", papercut & magazine paper collage.
Kings & Warriors (Water), 2012. 18" x 24", papercut & magazine paper collage.

Kings & Warriors (The Day of the Sea), 2012. 18″ x 24″, papercut & magazine paper collage.

Kings & Warriors (The Day of the Sea), 2012. 18" x 24", papercut & magazine paper collage.
Kings & Warriors (The Day of the Sea), 2012. 18" x 24", papercut & magazine paper collage.
Kings & Warriors (The Day of the Sea), 2012. 18" x 24", papercut & magazine paper collage.


All Images via Mayuko Fujino.


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