Architecture / 建築告白, Design, Living, Travel / 旅人日記 2024-10-09 2024-11-20 隨風捎來一縷光隙,拾起斑斕樹影裡的片刻詩意:Casa Puuc 旅店 by Rachel S. Photography/ Fabian Martinez. Images Courtesy of C...
Architecture / 建築告白, Design, Living, Travel / 旅人日記, 鯨魚馬戲團 2024-09-03 2024-11-26 一抹浪漫不羈的色澤,獻給自由狂野的靈魂:16 世紀莊園裡流動的復古未來夢境,Hotel Corazón by Meg L. Photography/ Alixe Lay, Anna Malmberg, Chris &...
Architecture / 建築告白, Design, Living, Travel / 旅人日記 2024-08-27 2024-10-19 步入百年古城風華,藏身 16 世紀建築裡的靜謐天堂:FIXIE LOFTS 旅店 by Cinny Images Courtesy of FIXIE LOFTS. 陽光、沙灘、叢林抑或市區繁忙不息的車...
Architecture / 建築告白, Design, Living, Travel / 旅人日記 2024-08-15 2024-10-19 隔絕人煙與喧囂,荒野裡愜意棲居:Galopina Casa Silvestre 旅宿 by Rachel S. Images Courtesy of Galopina Casa Silvestre. 旅行動機是一...
Architecture / 建築告白, Design, Living, Travel / 旅人日記 2024-07-07 2024-08-08 將鄉村風情幻化成光,撒上底片:橄欖林中的度假旅宿,Borgo Gallana by Rachel S. Photography/ Salva López. Images Courtesy of Studi...
Architecture / 建築告白, Design, Interior Design/ 空間敘事, Living, Travel / 旅人日記 2024-05-30 2024-07-18 17 世紀古堡的浮世記憶與光影,宛若步入卡拉瓦喬的畫作場景:Casa Soleto 旅店 by Meg L. Photography/ Salva López. Images Courtesy of Studi...
Architecture / 建築告白, Interior Design/ 空間敘事, Living, Travel / 旅人日記 2024-04-06 2024-05-20 打開古董珍奇櫃,穿越百年老宅潺流的時光:曼谷 Baan Tuk Din Hotel by 鄭媛心 Images Courtesy of Baan Tuk Din. 每當收藏一趟難忘的旅程,一幅具代表...
Architecture / 建築告白, Living, Travel / 旅人日記 2024-01-20 2024-04-14 16 世紀波斯花園裡的千夜風華,獻給旅人與藝術家的靜謐天堂:Riad Jardin Secret by 鄭媛心 Images Courtesy of Riad Jardin Secret. 在古老的希臘神話裡,地...
Architecture / 建築告白, Living, Travel / 旅人日記, Urban Discovery / 城市記號 2024-01-05 2024-02-17 以千年歲月為穹頂,沉醉一頁伊斯蘭與哥德混血的古堡風情:Nobis Hotel Palma by Rachel S. Photography/ Pernilla Danielsson. Images Courtesy ...
Architecture / 建築告白, Design, Living, Travel / 旅人日記 2023-09-22 2023-10-14 蘸染水色與天光,粗獷主義裡的輕盈與空寂:CASA TO 旅店 by Rachel S. Photography/ Arturo Gómez, Jaime Navarro & Ni...